right or wrong, I stacked the chips!
The game was a loose and aggressive $10/20 hold 'em game with a 1/2 kill.
It was a kill pot, and I was in the big blind.
Everyone folded to the 8 seat, who raised, making it $30.
The next player had won the last hand, and so had the $15 kill in front of him.
He called.
The button and small blind folded, and looking down at Ace, Ten suited in clubs, it felt like an easy call.
I've played with both opponents before, and didn't put the raiser on much. The caller is a bit tricky, but would defend his post with any two cards.
The flop came down J, T, rag, with one club.
Thinking that this was a good flop for my hand (middle pair, an overcard, backdoor flush and straight draws), I bet out. The pre-flop raiser raised me, and the kill poster made it 3 bets.
I had no idea where I was in this hand! But, I had no respect for either player. My hand might be good; either of them might raise, hoping to get me off the best hand. And, if I was behind, a Ten, Ace or Club or face card could hit the turn, giving me more outs (though, the Ace might make one of them a straight with K,Q).
I called, and the raiser called, too.
The turn was a low club. I checked, and it checked around! I really had no clue where I was in this hand, though now I had picked up the nut flush draw. When both opponents checked, I kicked myself a little for not betting the turn, since I was confident one of them would after the flop action.
The river was a beautiful club. I bet, and was raised. The third player folded, and I re-raised. He paid me off and showed the king of clubs.
Should I have folded pre-flop? There was $70 in the pot, and I had to call $20. No one could raise behind me, which made it easier to call. I'm not a fan of A,T, since it's too easy to be dominated, but when it's suited, I like to see the flop. For me, this was a pretty easy call, especially considering my opponents.
Should I have bet on the flop? I bet, thinking that if the raiser had a small pair or A,K, I might win the pot right there. I knew that there was a chance that second pair, top kicker might be good, and I had an overcard (which might spell trouble if I hit it), and two back-door draws. I like the bet. Getting raised and re-raised was a little unexpected.
Should I have checked the turn or bet out? I think I should have bet. Considering the pot size, I was getting great odds on my draw alone, and giving a free card to A,K might have killed my hand. So I missed a bet here.
Should I have bet the flop or checked? I think betting is the right play. My opponents were likely to pay me off with a lot of hands, and I couldn't count on being able to check-raise (since so many players would bet the turn with a flush draw, and everyone had checked the turn, a competing flush was unlikely, and the turn made a possible -- though unlikely -- straight on board, too).
Pot size:
$95 pre-flop (3 players each for 2 smal bets, + $ 5 small blind)
$135 on the flop (3 players each for 3 small bets)
$0 on turn
$180 on the river (2 players each for 3 big bets)
Total: $410
Not bad!